earn money as a student online

how to earn money as a student online

How to earn money as a student online

If you are a 10th or 12th-grade student, you might always be in a condition where you wonder what to become or study to make a lot of money. No matter, if you are a student or a working person, making money online, becomes undemanding if the right set of skills is with you. I will be giving information about five specific skills that are cheap for people willing to learn from home and provide them with good income opportunities.

Let’s Start Now!

1. Microsoft Office MS Office

Why MS Office?
Mastering MS Office is a must-have skill that is greatly appreciated in the job market. Proficiency in MS Excel, Word, and PowerPoint can lead the individual to the job prospects of data entry, report formulation, and many more. earn money as a student online

Here is the complete course to Learn this Skill Start Now 

Real-Life Example:
My friend started with normal data entry work on MS Excel and now earns 60,000 easily. He got this job based on his MS Excel skills.earn money as a student online

Follow these steps to learn this skill

1. Download MS Office.
2. Use YouTube to watch free courses to learn MS Office, these are the best channels to learn
3. Practice is the key to success so keep working daily to get better results.

Then you can sell these skills to earn money as a student online

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2. Video Editing

Why Video Editing?

Video content has been the big thing.  Video editing is at the peak of demand.

Using their editing storytelling skills along with their creativity on motion graphics, freelance editors earn 1-2 lakhs per month by editing videos for YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, and other platforms through video Editing.

earn money as a student online

Here is the complete course to Learn this Skill Start Now

What Does Video Editing Involve?
1. Video Shotting

2. Inserting video effects, transitions, and sound effects.

3. Maximizing both audio and visual quality.

How to Learn Video Editing 
1. Use free video editing software like Capcut, Inshot, or Vn Editing apps.
2. Learn from YouTube for free to understand the basics and advanced techniques of video editing.
3. After watching video editing videos on YouTube then start practicing to better your editing.

3. Website Development (Without Coding)

Why WordPress?
In this digital time, every online business needs a better and perfect website.WordPress allows you to make a website for 100% free without any single line of code. This skill is highly demanding, and you can earn money as a student online from this skill easily.earn money as a student online

Here is the complete course to Learn this Skill  Start Now

How to Learn WordPress Website Development
1. You can learn from YouTube for free
2. Watch tutorials in Urdu/English to learn this skill (WordPress).
3. Most important is to follow each step that you learn and start practicing to better your skills.

4. Graphic Design with Canva

Why Graphic Design?
Thumbnails and graphics are one of the most potent tools for the engagement of viewers and can bring traffic to videos and websites. It’s designing appealing thumbnails that can become the main source of earnings.earn money as a student online

Here is the complete course to Learn this Skill Start Now

How to Learn Graphics Designing
1. Canva is a free and user-friendly graphic design tool use this to start graphics designing.
2. Learn from YouTube with tourists
3. Then start practicing and then sell your skills online to make money online as a student.

5. Become a YouTuber

Why YouTube?
Being a YouTuber can be very satisfying. Youtubers making money from ads, sponsorships, and merchandise sales are successful just like one video may become an everlasting earning for you.earn money as a student online

Here are the steps to start

1. Create your own YouTube channel.
2. Learn from YouTube to find trending topics and your favorite niche.
3. Follow free YouTube courses to understand the basics of video creation, editing, and uploading videos on YouTube.

4. Monetize your content to start earning money as a student online.

Bonus Tip

Register for this free YouTube course to get comprehensive guidance on becoming a successful YouTuber.


I have explained five proven skills that can help you to earn money as a student online. Choose the skill that interests you the most, work hard to learn it, and start earning. Knowledge and skills never go to waste. If you found this article helpful, please subscribe to my channel, press the bell icon, and like the video. Stay tuned for more valuable content, and enjoy your holidays!

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